There are the several different reasons why workplace accidents occur. Here are the main causes along with how to prevent them.
Are you a manager, supervisor, or owner of a smaller business?
Having a safe workplace is as important for small businesses as it is for large companies. Your workers are the most important part of your company. They are the cornerstone to your success and help generate profit for the company.
You need to protect your workers from workplace accidents and injuries from outside the company as well as from within it.
If you’d like to learn more about workplace safety and how to keep your employees safe, then you’re in the right place. Keep reading for four causes of workplace accidents common for small businesses.
1. Improper Safety Policies
If safety policies are not followed correctly, then workers may be put at risk of serious injury or death. In addition, if workers are not adequately trained and educated on the safety protocols and policies, then the chances of an accident increase. Poorly designed safety policies can also lead to accidents.
If safety protocols are not clear and followed correctly, then mischief and hazardous activities can occur. Poor communication between manager and employee can also lead to improper safety policies.
2. Misconduct Safety Training
This can lead to employees not following safety protocols or taking the necessary safety measures. When safety measures are not followed, accidents can occur, leading to serious workplace injuries, fatalities, or property damage.
By providing employees with the proper training, they will know the best procedures for preventing accidents and staying safe in the workplace. This can reduce their chances of being involved in an incident and can protect them from needless harm.
3. No Facility Maintenance
It leads to unsafe conditions. For example, if there is a loose floorboard or a spill on the floor, the chances of someone slipping and falling increase, leading to an accident. Similarly, unkempt electrical wiring can cause a fire hazard, or malfunctioning equipment can result in an injury.
Inadequate lighting can also put people at risk, as can poor ventilation. Poor facility maintenance not only puts people in danger, but it can also be costly. Having to repair the damage or replace the equipment after an accident can be much more expensive than performing regular maintenance. Keeping up with facility maintenance should always be a priority for businesses in order to keep employees safe and costs down.
4. Not Having a Safety Data Sheet
Additional reading on online SDS is important for workplace safety and for minimizing the risks of accidents. The SDS provides an overview of hazards associated with chemicals, materials, and other substances that individuals may come in contact with in the course of work.
Without an SDS, workers are unable to identify and understand the various hazards they face in their daily work environment, making them prone to accidents.
Avoid These Common Workplace Accidents There are many shared causes of workplace accidents, but all of them can be easily prevented to some degree. Developing safety policies, providing safety training, and improving facility maintenance can all go a long way to help make the workplace a safer place. Get started on improving the safety of your workplace today.