Spending time in Norway, whether for work or for personal reasons, is something you’ll absolutely love. No matter how long you stay, you’ll keep wanting more, not only because the country is full of beautiful nature you can explore, but also because it is very well regulated and organized. So, when you visit this country, you will at one point or another, definitely think about moving there altogether.
Perhaps you’ve already made the decision to move. Or perhaps the decision is made for you, because life can sometimes take us to unexpected places. The fact that life is taking us, and we are sort of not directly in control of the decision-making process doesn’t, however, mean that you won’t fall in love with the country and that you won’t settle their perfectly. No matter the reasons for relocating, you’re bound to create a great life for yourself in this country.
To create a great life, though, you’ll have to worry about the small things as much as about the big things. The big thing include stuff like finding a place to live, getting a job, building a career, getting friends, growing a family or whatever it is that you find meaning in. The small things are connected to your daily life, and they can often have an impact on the big things. Let me give you an example.
If you don’t have a great mobile subscription in Norway, which is considered a small thing, you may find it difficult to connect with your friends or your family, which is definitely a big thing in life. All of this means that you will need to take your time to choose the perfect mobilnett i Norge, so that you can stay connected to your friends and family members. The only thing is, you may not know how to make that choice, and I get that you need to learn more about it, which is why I’ll provide you with the useful information you need below.

Three Networks to Consider
The first thing to know is that there are three specific networks to consider in Norway. Which one you will choose depends on different factors, and I’ll take you through the choosing process in a few minutes. First, though, you must understand which three networks we are talking about, so that you can have a clear idea about what it is that you are choosing among.
The three networks are operated and owned by Telenor, Telia and Ice. Telenor held a monopoly on all the telephone services up until the mid-1990s. It was a state-owned company for a long time, and while nowadays the state still holds 54% of the shares, it no longer has a monopoly. Competitors have entered the market.
The first private company that started a mobile network in Norway was Talia, meaning that it was the first competitor of Telenor. And then, there is the third option, called Ice. That company rents network capacity from Telia to a large extent, but it has also partly built its own network. The bottom line is that there are now three options to choose from, and you will have to be rather careful and thorough in your research when trying to determine which one is best for you.
How to Choose Your Mobile Network in Norway
How can you, thus, determine which option is best for you? That depends largely on your specific needs, because all of these providers have different things to offer, even though their plans can be similar to certain extents. Therefore, the most significant thing to do here is figure out precisely what you need, so that you can later cross-reference those needs to the offered plans and ultimately determine what could be best for you.
Apart from determining the needs, you’ll have to take some other crucial steps when aiming at researching the different networks thoroughly. Below are some of the steps that pretty much everyone has to take when trying to make this choice, regardless of their specific needs. By understanding those and by, thus, learning what to do and what to consider, you’ll automatically understand how to go through the researching process as well and how to ultimately select the best possible mobilnett in Norway. So, let’s take you through those steps now.

Check What Other People Have to Say
Whether you have just recently moved to Norway, or you’ve been there for a while, chances are that you at least have a few acquaintances, if not friends, in the country. Why is this important, though? Well, in short, because acquaintances and friends can be useful sources of information when word goes of choosing your network. After all, everyone haves’ mobile phones nowadays, so the chances of you meeting people that have nothing to say about this and that use no network whatsoever are pretty much non-existent.
Checking what those people have to say is, therefore, one of the first crucial things to do when trying to research the different networks and make your choice. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should automatically jump to the suggestions they share and be done with it, but it does mean you should hear the people out and check how happy they have actually been with the specific providers they have worked with. The key here is in getting information about all the three networks operating in Norway, as that is what will allow you to compare them.
Search Online
Like I have said, the key is in getting information about all the different networks and, on top of that, relying solely on other people’s recommendations is not the best idea. Instead, what you have to do is do some research of your own, which should begin with searching for information online. How can you search for the information, though? This shouldn’t be difficult.
Start with using your browser and typing in the names of the different network providers in Norway. After doing that, you will be presented with their official websites, and checking them out can be of great help, as you will find lots of necessary information that way. This includes information regarding not only their experience levels, but also their specific offers and the plans you can get from them, which is something you’ll have to check in details a bit later, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Another thing you can do when aiming at getting the information you need is find websites other than those official ones that can provide you with them. Usually, sites like https://mobilabonnement.com/mobilnett-i-norge/ and other similar ones can provide you with all the info you need, as they have been designed for doing just that – offering people the opportunity to easily compare the different network solutions. So, relying on such websites will absolutely be of help, as you’ll get pretty much all the information you need, meaning that it should be your goal to find at least one such site to check out.

Check Coverage
Not knowing what to check while browsing such sites can result in you making random choices regarding the network you should choose. This is why you need to get a better idea about what it is you should keep in mind during the research process. The websites filled with information will be helpful, just as long as you know what kind of information to look for and take into account.
Checking coverage is, without a doubt, one of the first things you should do. The coverage will, naturally, depend on the area you are located in, meaning that your choice may be restricted by that area. Of course, in most urban and densely built-up areas, it won’t matter which network you choose when it comes to the coverage, because they will be covered by all three. In such situations, you’ll have to make your choice based on other parameters. If, however, you have a cabin or something similar in a remote area somewhere, you’ll absolutely have to check the coverage before making any decisions.
Check the Plans They Offer
I’ve mentioned that you’ll need to make your choice based on other parameters as well. The bottom line here is that you will have to thoroughly check the specific plans they offer, as I’ve already hinted at above. Not every plan will be perfect for everyone, and the subscription you will ultimately choose will depend on your various needs. Think about how much data you need per month, as well as whether you could benefit from some free calls, both in the country and abroad, or from the data rollover option, or basically from anything else that the different providers can offer. Comparing the plans is, therefore, of crucial significance.
Read Reviews About Different Networks
Reading reviews about the different networks in the country should also be of great help when it comes to choosing. The reviews will give you firsthand insight into what other clients have to say. You’ll learn what they complain about and what they find great, which will definitely influence your ultimate choice. There are bound to be pros and cons to all the solutions, and learning about them will help you select the one that will be best for you.
Compare the Costs
Here’s something you probably won’t forget to do. Check the costs of those different networks and the plans they offer. Sure, this shouldn’t be your criterion number one, but that doesn’t mean you should take it for granted either. Finding a great quality and a reasonable solution is your goal, and the costs do play a role in that.